The NeurATRIS Translational Neuroscience Days (TND2024) were held on May 24 and 25, 2024 at the Domaine Ker Juliette in Pornichet, France, as an annual meeting of the neuroscience ecosystem for academic and private players. Co-organized this year with INBS France-BioImaging (FBI) and France Life Imaging (FLI), this 5th edition focused on multi-scale imaging for translational neuroscience research.
DAY 1 :
Day 1 began with a plenary session on “Imaging as a tool for studying molecular and cellular processes”. Participants then attended a round-table discussion on “Data sharing and tools in neuroimaging: where do we stand and where are we going?” moderated and introduced by Michel Dojat (GIN, Inserm U1216 Statify et Inria).
In the early afternoon, 11 students competed for the NeurATRIS “Next Generation Challenge” prize, presenting their research results in the form of posters. The NeurATRIS prize for the best scientific poster was awarded to not one, but two students who tied, namely Tiffany Bourgeton (UMR703 PAnTher, INRAE/ Oniris) and Victor Valcarcel (CNRS UMR 7221, MNHN). The second plenary session dealt with “Imaging as a tool for analyzing cerebral and metabolic activity”. On this occasion, Fawzi Boumezbeur from CEA-NeuroSpin spoke about recent brain images obtained with the 11.7T Iseult MRI, a world first.
This first day ended in a convivial atmosphere with a social event hosted by the improv troupe La LINA.
DAY 2:
The second and final day of the Journées des Neurosciences Translationnelles began with a special lecture by Professor Lehericy Stephane, Institut du Cerveau - Paris Brain Institute, Head of Neuroradiology at Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière on “Imaging in translational neuroscience around Parkinson's disease”. This was followed by a third and final plenary session on “Imaging as a screening tool”.
Many thanks to all participants and speakers, not forgetting our partners and sponsors for supporting our event.