NeurATRIS launches a call aimed at fostering collaborative projects between NeurATRIS members and scientific community (academic and clinical laboratories and biotech companies) involved in neurodegenerative disease projects with a grant up to 50 000 € for the successful applicants.

Academic research laboratories and biotechs are welcome to apply. Applicant consortia may include a private partner, but only academics and biotechs will be eligible for funding.

Successful applicants will have access to high quality technological platforms, expertise and support from NeurATRIS partners, such as advanced neuroimaging technologies, HTS/HCS, cell and animal models, behavioral testing, viral vectors core facilities, etc.

Selected research teams will have access to core facilities in one or several NeurATRIS research centers.

NeurATRIS grants, up to 50 000 €, will be dedicated to cover platform costs, excluding consumables and animal purchase.

To apply, send the completed application form.