Annual meeting of the French Glial Cell Club, organized from the 18th to 22th of October 2021, in collaboration with NeurATRIS
This virtual meeting spread over 5 afternoons in October 2021, offers a very complete coverage and broad of the blooming field of glia research, through 2 plenary lectures, 5 symposia, 2 flash talk sessions for students and post-docs, 2 poster sessions and the general assembly. It will bring together scientists who are experts in the field of glial cell biology from France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain.
Designed to be a lively and stimulating forum for researchers and students from academia or industry, this meeting will be a real opportunity to learn more about glial cells and state-of-the-art techniques to study them. Young researchers will have the opportunity to present their work as a talk selected on abstract, a flash talk to introduce their poster or a virtual poster.