
Executive Committee

Scientific officers

Dr. Philippe Hantraye
CEA Paris-Saclay– MIRCen, Scientific Director
Pr. Bernard Zalc
Pitié salpétriere Hospital– ICM, Deputy Scientific Director

Operational Management

Dr. Simone Mergui
CEA Paris-Saclay, Executive Director
Corinne Fortin
Pitié salpétriere Hospital– ICM, General Secretary
Dr. Emilie Hangen
CEA Paris-Saclay, Project Manager
Dr. Elisabeth Métreau-Grognet
CEA Paris-Saclay, Partnership Development Officer

Representative of partner organizations

Dr. Anselme Perrier
CEA Paris-Saclay – MIRCen

Pr. Philippe Remy
Henri Mondor Hospital – UPEC

Pr. Pierre Gressens
Robert-Debré Hospital – NeuroDiderot
Dr. Brahim Nait-Oumesmar
Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital – ICM

Pr. Pierre Bougnères
Bicêtre Hospital – N-BIPS
Pr. Marie-Anne Colle
Oniris Nantes – INRAE

Scientific Coordination of research programs

Cell therapy : Dr. Anselme Perrier and Pr. Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Levi

Gene therapy : Pr. Marie-Anne Colle and Pr. Pierre Bougnères

In vivo assessment and therapeutic efficacy : Dr. Philippe Hantraye and Pr. Philippe Rémy

Drug therapies : Dr. Brahim Nait-Oumesmar and Pr. Bernard Zalc

Steering Committee

Elsa Cortijo – Director of fundamental research division, CEA

Alexis Brice – General Director, ICM

Valérie Thibaudeau - Infrastructures clusters – General Secretary, Inserm

Jean-Luc Dubois-Randé - President, UPEC

Emmanuelle Chevassus-Lozza - President, INRAE Angers-Nantes

Stéphanie Decoopman - Director of clinical research and innovation, AP-HP

Scientific Advisory Board

Pr. Steve Dunnett : Neurobiologist– Cardiff University, Celle therapy specialist for neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson, Huntington)

M. Anton Ussi : Operations and finance Director, ERIC EATRIS

Pr. Petra S. Huppi : Clinician, Head of the Development and Growth Department of the University Hospitals of Geneva, specialist in neurodevelopment

Pr. Pierre Maquet : Clinician, Head of the Neurology Department at the University of Liege, FNRS Research Director at the Cyclotron Research Centre of the University of Liege, specialist in functional neuroimaging

Pr. Luc Pellerin : Professor of cell biology at the University of Poitiers, specialist in cerebral metabolism and neuron-astrocyte relations

Pr. Olivier Rascol : Clinician, Professor of clinical pharmacology at the Toulouse University Hospital, specialist in Parkinson's disease

Dr. Agnès Renard-Viard : President of the Association « Science Health Society »

Pr. Frank S Walsh : CEO Ossianix Inc. USA, Specialist in Neurodegenrative desorders

Pr. Frauke Zipp : Clinician, Director of of the department of Neurology at the Mainz University, Neuro-immunologist specialist.