An 11-day residential course of lectures, demonstrations and practical work (14–25 May 2018)


Lectures and practicals held at the Université Paris Descartes, 45 Rue des Saints Peres, 75006 Paris, France. Two days of demonstrations are run at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (IBENS), 46 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris. World-expert lecturers and instructors come from Paris, France, Europe, the world.
The course offers intensive practical sessions over six days, with dedicated instructors and setups assembled with the latest equipment. Students choose 3 techniques from: patch-clamping in slices, field recordings, calcium imaging, voltage-senstive dyes, photolysis, optical bench and (new in 2018) analogue and digital electronics.
There are numerous demonstrations of advanced techniques, including: confocal microscopy, high-speed two-photon imaging, in vivo imaging, in vivo patch-clamp recording, TIRF imaging, super-resolution imaging, extracellular recording in vivo, viral transfection methods, wavefront engineering.
Make the most of your stay in Paris to learn about its extensive research community and meet with local scientists to explore opportunities for collaboration, post-docs and careers. A social evening will be organised to connect interested students and researchers.
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