Lorentz Workshop

Lorentz Workshop
Lun, 20. septembre 2021 - Ven, 24. septembre 2021


Lorentz Workshop: Best practices & tools for Diffusion MR Spectroscopy

September 20-24, 2021

Leiden, Netherlands


Scientific Organisers

Chloé Najac, C.J. Gorter Center for High-Field MRI, Radiology Dpt, Leiden University Medical Center 

Clémence Ligneul, FMRIB, John Radcliffe Hospitall

Francesca Branzoli, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinère–ICM, Centre de NeuroImagerie de Recherche‐CENIR

Marco Palombo, Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London

Julien Valette, MIRCen, Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives


Workshop coordinator

Linda Zwinkels

+31 71 527 5659

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Goals of the Course

This workshop is a first step towards breaking the boundaries between the current group of DW-MRS developers and the wider scientific community, by making DW-MRS more accessible to the MR research community at large.

The aims of the workshop are:

(1)   Launch a user-friendly open-source platform that will be used to process, analyze, and model experimental data acquired at different sites/vendor scanners/magnetic fields.

(2)   Initiate a data repository attached to the open-platform to widen the accessibility of DW-MRS data. It will also contain a description of acquisition protocols, and contact of researchers working in the field.

Write a ‘consensus paper’ summarizing practical principles of DW-MRS and providing protocol recommendations for different users’ goals, with a description of the novel open-source platform