GeneTherapy Partnering day

GeneTherapy Partnering day
Lun, 17. septembre 2018



Public-private partnership is critical to successfully allow promising advanced gene therapy to become viable commercial products, available to patients. It requires bringing together transdisciplinary expertise, from academic researchers, clinicians, and biotech or medtech companies offering innovative technological solutions for gene therapy.

The objective of this one-day European matchmaking event is to foster future public-private or public-public collaborations by leveraging the complementarity of expertise and resources.

The program will include a plenary session with:

  • a scientific conference where academic teams from the Paris Region will be invited to present their ongoing research projects;
  • a session where biotech/medtech companies will be invited to pitch their technological solutions to drive gene therapy to the patient. The plenary session will be followed by a matchmaking session, consisting of one-to-one 20-minutes pre-scheduled meetings booked in advance from the event website.

This event is co-organized by:

  • the « DIM Thérapie Génique » (Gene Therapy Area of Major Interest) initiative, a network of public/private stakeholders labelled by the Paris Region and coordinated by Pr Marina Cavazzana to accelerate the development of gene therapy;
  • Medicen Paris Region, a global competitiveness cluster, which aims to position the Paris Region as a European industrial leader in diagnostic and therapeutic innovations and leading-edge health technologies.