Synuclein meeting 2019

Synuclein meeting 2019
Dim, 1. septembre 2019 - Mer, 4. septembre 2019


The "Synuclein Meeting 2019: Where we are and where we need to go" will be held in Porto, Portugal, on September 1-4, 2019.

The meeting will take place in Ofir, a city in the outskirts of Porto, Portugal. These are exciting times in the field, with important ongoing (and future) clinical trials that bring hope to patients with Parkinson's disease and their families. However, we still face many challenges and need to address fundamental questions so the field can progress to where we would like to be. In this context, the meeting is organized around round-table discussions, to break away from the more rigid format of regular scientific meetings based on oral presentations, and create opportunities for discussing the major questions in the field, and contribute to challenging dogmatic ideas that need to be updated. The meeting shall bring together the leading experts in the field, both from the academia and from industry, and a broad community of junior scientists that need to be engaged for a bright future in the field.

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