Director : P. Hantraye
Deputy Director : B. Zalc
Coordinator : P. Hantraye
Viral production, animal models, behaviour, in vivo MRI and PET imaging, aptamers, proteomics, radiochemistry, histology and microscopic analyses.
Coordinator : B. Nait-Oumesmar
Molecular, cellular, preclinical and clinical functional exploration, bioinformatics and biostatistics.
Coordinator : A.C. Bachoud-Lévi
clinical research, bio-banks.
Coordinator : P. Bougnères
Viral production, multimodal imaging, super resolution microscopy, spectrometry, aquatic models.
Coordinator : M.A. Colle
Optical imaging, cell and gene therapy, viral production, animal models.
Coordinator : P. Gressens
Magnetic cell sorting, screening of drug candidates, in vivo study of rodent models at birth.
Coordinator : C. Martinat
Bioproduction (IPSC), High and medium throughput screening, Automated cell imaging, High throughput sequencing, Biobanks