NeurATRIS platforms

NeurATRIS coordinates 7 public hospitals and research institutes, thus facilitating the access of the scientific and industrial community to more than fifty state-of-the-art technological platforms with complementary expertise. These facilities, necessary for next-generation translational developments, help to improve the understanding of the main neurodegenerative diseases and their treatments.

Director : P. Hantraye
Deputy Director : B. Zalc

CEA Paris-Saclay

Coordinator : P. Hantraye

Viral production, animal models, behaviour, in vivo MRI and PET imaging, aptamers, proteomics, radiochemistry, histology and microscopic analyses.

More about the CEA / MIRCen platforms

Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital- ICM

Coordinator : B. Nait-Oumesmar

Molecular, cellular, preclinical and clinical functional exploration, bioinformatics and biostatistics.

More about the Pitié-Salpêtrière / ICM platforms

Henri Mondor Hospital UPEC

Coordinator : A.C. Bachoud-Lévi

clinical research, bio-banks.

More about the Henri Mondor / UPEC platforms

Bicêtre Hospital N-BIPS

Coordinator : P. Bougnères

Viral production, multimodal imaging, super resolution microscopy, spectrometry, aquatic models.

More about the Bicêtre / N-BIPS platforms

Oniris Nantes / INRAE

Coordinator : M.A. Colle

Optical imaging, cell and gene therapy, viral production, animal models.

More about INRAE platforms

Robert-Debré Hospital NeuroDiderot

Coordinator : P. Gressens

Magnetic cell sorting, screening of drug candidates, in vivo study of rodent models at birth.

More about the Robert Debré / NeuroDiderot platforms

University of Evry - I-Stem

Coordinator : C. Martinat

Bioproduction (IPSC), High and medium throughput screening, Automated cell imaging, High throughput sequencing, Biobanks

More about the University of Evry / I-Stem platforms