How to collaborate

The expertise, know-how and platforms gathered within NeurATRIS are available to the academic and industrial scientific community either as services or as collaborative projects. The NeurATRIS partners already offer this type of service individually. The objective of NeurATRIS is to federate these activities around a single point of contact to facilitate the contracting of services or collaborative projects involving all or part of the NeurATRIS network.
Routine know-how
Know-how for new applications
Co-development projects
Strategic partnerships
A centralised process for defining, conducting and reporting the study:
• a single coordination, NeurATRIS
• a single contract
• a dedicated project manager
Routine know-how
The tools and procedures mastered by NeurATRIS are directly used for an already known application. The user has access to fully validated methods or models, already available in one or several NeurATRIS platforms.

Know-how for new applications
The user benefits from the existing know-how and procedures within NeurATRIS in order to adapt them to a new application.
In this case, NeurATRIS offers its technical expertise as well as the necessary advice and support for the implementation of the translational research protocol. The work is carried out by dedicated NeurATRIS teams who interact with the users on a daily basis. These projects are generally of short duration.

Co-development projects
These are short or medium term projects carried out by mixed teams made up of several NeurATRIS partners and users (academic and/or industrial). This collaboration is framed by an agreement that defines the project, the resources provided by each partner, the timetable, the scientific and technical objectives and the duration of the project.

This collaboration may be the subject of a framework agreement designed to meet the recurrent needs of the user.

Strategic partnerships
Strategic partnerships are long-term co-development projects where users are hosted in NeurATRIS laboratories. This type of partnership can also involve other initiatives funded by the "Investissements d'avenir".

In the framework of these projects, NeurATRIS is mobilised on a long-term basis as a full research partner. It provides scientific and medical expertise, professional project management, regulatory skills and priority access to NeurATRIS equipment.