ICM - Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital

The Brain Institute - ICM is a research, training and care centre with international visibility in the field of nervous system diseases: Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, epilepsy, psychiatric diseases, in particular.
The ICM is dedicated to understanding the mechanisms of nervous system pathologies and to developing diagnostic, prevention and treatment tools. It is based on a unique and ambitious infrastructure, dedicated to fundamental and translational research in neuroscience, and including 25 research teams and technological platforms of excellence in cell cultures, histology, cellular imaging, electrophysiology, genomics, preclinical functional explorations, bioinformatics and biostatistics, as well as a research neuroimaging centre (CENIR), a clinical trials centre (CIC) and an incubator and business incubator (IPEPS) dedicated to brain diseases.
The Institute is focusing on advances in the understanding of neuronal death mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases, predictive biomarkers and neuroprotection mechanisms, as well as in the understanding of nerve tissue repair, the determinism and triggering of epileptic seizures, and the brain mechanisms of mood and motivation disorders. Each question is addressed through a disease model, and then applied to other nervous system disorders.
Created by the ICM Foundation, Sorbonne University (SU), Inserm, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris - GHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, CNRS and the Foundation for Alzheimer's Research (formerly IFRAD), the ICM brings together around 700 researchers/clinicians, engineers/technicians, administrative and logistical staff, post-doctoral and doctoral students.

Learn more about the ICM : https://institutducerveau-icm.org/en/mission-en/